Born in Zambia, I moved with my family to East Yorkshire, England, at the age of eight. Now residing in Cambridge, my professional life centers around the intricate world of technology, yet my heart remains firmly rooted in art.

From an early age, I delved into photography, drawing, and graphic design. Despite pursuing computer science in university, which temporarily pulled me away from my artistic pursuits, my passion for visual storytelling never waned. In 2020, I rediscovered my love for art and began painting primarily with oils.

Blending colors on canvas and conveying emotions through brush strokes has become my sanctuary, offering a harmonious counterbalance to the logical intricacies of my tech career.

In my artwork, you will see the fusion of my technical mindset and artistic soul as I navigate the intersection of these seemingly disparate worlds. Each piece reflects my journey, capturing the beauty of everyday moments and the emotional tapestry of life.

As you explore my gallery, you will discover narratives woven with emotion, everyday beauty, and the evolving spirit of an artist who finds solace in the vibrant hues of self-expression. My hope is that my work resonates with you, inviting you to see the world through the lens of an artist deeply connected to both technology and creativity.